The Technical Support Guidelines (TSG) Calculations Tool aids civilian nuclear power plant reactor operators,
shift supervisors, and the engineering staff of the Technical Support Center (TSC) in making
important decisions and deciding when to take relevant actions during the course of an emergency
situation to prevent or mitigate a severe nuclear reactor accident. All relevant plant data can be
pre-loaded into the application, which reduces the burden placed on users and analysts during
stressful situations.
The software takes values generated by civilian nuclear power plant data or computer system-level
modeling, such as time to reactor core uncovery and offset calibration of water level instrumentation.
The software uses formulas generated by the U.S. nuclear industry, and DOE, which are based on first
principles thermal hydraulics and nuclear physics, to generate field observable values specific to
the civilian nuclear power plant’s emergency situation. The results can then be used to assist
personnel in determining the transition from emergency operating procedures to severe accident
management guidelines. The TSG Tool also calculates values which provide insights during a reactor
meltdown to assist operators and decision makers in determining strategies on mitigation efforts --
such as the minimum water injection rate need to maintain the molten reactor core within the reactor
pressure vessel.
SAND2018-11252 W