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Nuclear Incident Response Program
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Turbo FRMAC   Turbo FRMAC
The Turbo FRMAC (TF) software program is the software implementation of the science and methodologies utilized by the Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC). These methods are documented in the FRMAC Assessment Manual and are utilized in the event of the intentional or accidental release of radioactive material to guide and govern the response of the Federal, State, Local, and Tribal governments.

Turbo FRMAC Factsheet Turbo FRMAC Factsheet


Turbo FRMAC can be installed on both Windows and Mac or launched over the web using Java Web Start technology.
Response Technical Tools   Response Technical Tools
The Response Technical Tools (RTT) software was developed to make the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) Response Technical Manual (RTM) into a software application. The RTM is a publically available document, which provides a user/reader with a prediction as to the status of a nuclear reactor during a severe accident. The RTM is based on previous experiments and experience with severe accident phenomena. In particular, this work used section A of the RTM devoted to an assessment of core damage. The RTM is intended for use during a severe accident. The goal of this code is to automate the simple, yet very time consuming, calculations that are necessary to evaluate the status of a reactor during accident. This allows an analyst to spend more time making an evaluation as to the status of the plant and not performing simple calculations.
SHARC (Specialized Hazard Assessment Response Capability) is used to simulate the release of radioactivity from a nuclear weapon via either conventional detonation or by non-explosive techniques. Each scenario is associated with an event that describes when and where the material was released and each event can support multiple scenarios of each type. An integrated geographic information system (GIS) engine and population databases (U.S. Census and Landscan) is used for the graphical display of areas affected by the radiation and for the estimation of casualties and fatalities. The GIS results can also be exported to Google Earth. SHARC can also generate Microsoft Word™ or Microsoft PowerPoint™ documents for reporting and briefing purposes.
Containment Planner   Containment Planner
The Containment Planner allows the user to graphically define a containment plan and estimate the percentage of capture along with several other useful quantities.
Technical Support Guidelines   Technical Support Guidelines Calculations Tool
The Technical Support Guidelines (TSG) Tool aids civilian nuclear power plant reactor operators, shift supervisors, and the engineering staff of the Technical Support Center (TSC) in making important decisions and deciding when to take relevant actions during the course of an emergency situation to prevent or mitigate a severe nuclear reactor accident. All relevant plant data can be pre-loaded into the application, which reduces the burden placed on users and analysts during stressful situations.
Other Tools
Radionuclide Mixture Manager   Mixture Manager
Mixture Manager (MM) allows users to create and manage radionuclides mixtures for future use across applications.
Radionuclide Viewer   Radionuclide Viewer
Radionuclide Viewer (RV) is an application for viewing the DCFPAK radiological data from Oakridge National Laboratories.
High Explosive Manager   High Explosive Manager
High Explosive Manager (HEM) allows users to create and manage high explosives for future use across applications.