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Nuclear Incident Response Program

The Turbo FRMAC (TF) software automates the calculations described in Volume 2 of the FRMAC Assessment Manual. The manual upon which the software is based is unclassified and freely available by clicking here.

Using values generated by field samples, instrument readings, or computer dispersion models, TF assesses the generated results into values that are meaningful and actionable for a decision maker at a radiological emergency. TF provides calculated results to answer questions such as:

  • Do radiation values exceed city, state, or federal limits?
  • Should crops be destroyed or can they be utilized?
  • Do residents need to be evacuated, sheltered in place, or should another action be taken?
  • How long can emergency workers work in a given area?

The software uses formulas generated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and other federal agencies to generate field-observable values specific to the radiological event that can be used to determine where regulatory limit values are exceeded. TF calculates values that indicate:

  • How long an emergency worker can work in the contaminated area during a radiological emergency.
  • The dose received from drinking contaminated water or milk.
  • The dose from eating contaminated food.
  • The dose expected down or upwind of a given field sample.
  • Other similar radiological health values.

TF is designed to help the decision maker in a radiological emergency understand the significance of the field sample results and modeling information, so that proper response actions can be implemented. The software provides information about the impacts a radiological emergency will have on people affected by the event. It is intended to aid the leadership in identifying the proper action needed in order to protect the public without causing widespread panic.

Turbo FRMAC is a member of RAMP. The purpose of the Radiation Protection Computer Code Analysis and Maintenance Program (RAMP) is to develop, maintain, improve, distribute and provide training on NRC-sponsored radiation protection and dose assessment computer codes. Training for Turbo FRMAC is available to RAMP members.

Turbo FRMAC Factsheet Turbo FRMAC Factsheet

Turbo FRMAC Factsheet FRMAC Assessment Manual Volume 2



  • Formulas located in Volume 1 of the FRMAC Assessment Manual.
  • Includes DCFPAK 2015, containing six different vintages of data with published coefficients ranging from years 1983 to 2015.
  • A radionuclide viewer for viewing nuclide information, such as decay modes, and radionuclide decay chains.
  • Integration with Radionuclide Mixture Manager which allows for importation of existing mixtures, ability to create and reuse mixtures, import mixtures from RASCAL, etc.
  • Complex Particle Size Distribution that allows for calculation of values under realistic complex particle distribution scenarios.
  • ICRP 60 with both true Monodispersed Dose Coefficients and Lognormal based coefficients.
  • ICRP 107 radiation decay data.
  • ICRP 56 (FDA) data for calculation of FDA DILs.
  • Instrument Thresholds: allows indication of what energy levels field instruments can register to dynamically changes values to be consistent with instruments in use.
  • Decay Curve Export: exports the decay curve of a mixture for importation into other software tools for further analysis. Charts allow for analysis of the decay curve inside TF.
  • Ability to export table data to Microsoft Excel™.
  • Ability to share calculations via email. Import and export calculations to TFX files.
  • Internal Conversion Electrons: all beta analyses now include internal conversion electrons whose energy exceeds the user specified Instrument Threshold.
  • Recent Mixtures: maintains a list of recently used mixtures for rapid and easy importation of commonly used mixtures.
  • Ribbon-style interface to provide a Microsoft Office™ like experience.

What's New

A complete list of improvements and bug fixes for the latest versions of Turbo FRMAC is available by viewing the Release Notes.

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